

Hello, my name is Thomas. I'm a french software developer living in Paris.

I stumbled mechanical keyboards 6 years ago, without diving into the hobby yet. In January 2018 I looked for a new keyboard for work, that's when I got hooked up.


Since then I wanted to contribute to the community. Over time I got tired of having to update reddit to keep up with the latest ICs and GBs.


For now this a weekly newsletter where you'll find all ICs and GBs that were created during this period.

I plan to had more feature to this website in the near future centered ICs and GBs discoverability and ease of following their updates.


A blog article is coming up, stay tuned.

How to contact me?

The prefered way is by e-mail.

How to support this initiative?

You can sponsor this project or leave a mail of encouragement 🙏.

Get updated every sunday!